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(本文系A(chǔ)PEC基金項(xiàng)目"Study on the Cost-Effective Renewable Energy-Supply Solutions based on Innovative Solar Technologies to Promote Green Buildings in APEC Region"[項(xiàng)目編號為EWG 03 2016A]和國家能源局項(xiàng)目“APEC[中國]低碳城鎮(zhèn)發(fā)展模式研究”“可持續(xù)城市低碳能源系統(tǒng)形式與優(yōu)秀實(shí)踐”的成果;天津大學(xué)建筑學(xué)院博士研究生王辰對本文亦有貢獻(xiàn))


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責(zé) 編/郭 丹


朱麗,天津大學(xué)建筑學(xué)院教授、博導(dǎo),APEC可持續(xù)能源中心主任。研究方向?yàn)榈吞汲擎?zhèn)能源規(guī)劃、低碳建筑設(shè)計與技術(shù)集成、新型建筑表皮設(shè)計與室內(nèi)環(huán)境。主要著作有《走向可持續(xù)城市—APEC案例與中國實(shí)踐》《APEC Sustainable Urban Development Annual Report- From Models to Results》(譯名為《亞太經(jīng)合組織可持續(xù)城市發(fā)展報告—從模式到成果》)等。


Challenges to Urban Sustainable Development in China

and Countermeasures

Zhu Li

Abstract: The action of tackling climate change makes the issue of sustainable development a concern, and also prompts urban sustainable development to become one of the frontier issues. China is undergoing and will undergo a rapid urbanization process, and meanwhile it constantly improves the quality of urbanization and makes the development of cities more sustainable. However, China's cities and a number of cities in the Asia-Pacific region, to some extent, are facing or will face both the pressure brought by the global carbon emission reduction target and challenges due to their own development problems. Hence, making plans within the framework of a relatively comprehensive urban sustainable development strategy will effectively coordinate the various sectors and interest parties of the city and actively mobilize citizens to participate in the sustainable development process, thereby enhancing the quality of urban sustainable development in China and the Asia-Pacific region.

Keywords: climate change, urban sustainable development, general planning, inclusive development

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